"In Frankfurt Mannheim one day told Elias that he needed a second assistant, ad asked Elias if he minded sharing his salary. Upon inquiring if this had not made Elias very upset, Elias tried hard not to sound negative in any way, simply stating that Mannheim's request may now appear 'exploitative', but that Mannheim had made it in all 'innocence'. 'That's the way Mannheim was, when he needed something: he somehow tried to get it.' Elias ended up sharing his salary."

"Mannheim erwartete von Elias eine Habilitation über den französischen Liberalismus. Aber bald wandten sich seine Interessen nach und nach zurück zur höfischen Gesellschaft des 17. Jahrhunderts."

source: Reinhard Blomert, Intellektuelle im Aufbruch, München 1999: Hanser, S. 240 FN 59 & S. 277 FN 143