Selections not previously available in English are: the opening pages of Elias's 1924 Breslau DrPhil thesis; the 1928 conference contribution on `Primitive Art'; `The Expulsion of the Huguenots from France' (1935); `The Kitsch Style and the Age of Kitsch' (1935); `On the Concept of Everyday Life' (1978); `Renate Rubinstein' (1980); and `The Civilising of Parents' (1980). The 1964 paper on `Group Charisma and Group Disgrace', written in English for the Max Weber centenary conference, is published here for the first time; and Johan Goudsblom's 1970 interview with Elias, though originally published in English in a Dutch journal, has not previously been easily accessible.


source: Figurations no. 9 (1998), pp. 7 (Newsletter of the Norbert Elias Foundation)